Toronto, Canada

Interested in product management, strategy, hard+soft/ware, learning, and working on something that provides value that isn't just monetary.

Previosuly worked in the film industry, focused on contracting and managing relationships with writers and development team. Followed that with some months of traveling. Currently lookinging to work for a company that more aligns with my values and where I can make an impact.
While travelling, I created a website that leveraged stable diffusion, along with open source workflows like ComfyUI + LORAs on Replicate, and OpenAI API calls to generate custom generated children's books. Included connection to print and delivery service and was fully automated. The idea was to use AI to provide a product with a custom story + artwork.

Inspired by indiehackers and build-in-public on X, I decided to make the first and simplest idea I could. I was a first mover in the space, however due to learning to code as I was going, more impressive and user friendly products quickly passed my capabilities. Great experience and developed foundational understanding of large language and diffusion models + an interest in AI and entrepreurship.

Tech, Business, Muay Thai, Running, Hiking, Surfing, Travel, Books, Design, Film

surf co logo i deisgned

Some favourite sights.